Tuesday, July 26, 2011

week in the life // monday

monday: woke up @ 9:50AM (was a late nigth)... to tons of clothes to be folded, but it waited until later (don't tell anyone).  i'm in a good mood overall, but it's hot already.  got ready, and left to meet Jeane + her boys at CPK for lunch.  that strawberry short cake dessert was the best thing i ate today.  we took the boys to their daily swim class at the local college + then i went over to here for some wedding goodies.  made my one of a twice weekly trip to f & e for dinner, and ran into those amazing flowers.  came home to make dinner, took a nap, and now i'm off to the gym.

keep an eye out for more pictures tomorrow.  note to self, journal more + take fewer but better pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In response to your fewer but better photos: quality photos almost always come from quantity! I go into a photoshoot expecting to get 25 or 50% keepable shots, dependent on the number of poses the model does. Since I take varied shots for the week in the life project, I can expect about 50% keeping rate. I took over 100 photos today, and came away with some great ones. Little photographic lesson for the day (: the shortcake looks divine!

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